Davy Jones — Who he? And where’s his locker?

Charles Christian
4 min readMay 25, 2022

Just following up on my earlier Wagatha Christie story, I thought it might be handy to explain a little more about Davy Jones…

Davy Jones as depicted in Punch magazine in the 19th century

Let’s start with who Davy Jones is not: We’re not talking about Davy Jones, the much loved and sadly missed actor and singer probably best known for his role in the mid-1960s TV series The Monkees.

Not this Davy Jones — the one with the flag.

And nor are we talking about David Jones, the much loved and sadly missed rock star (and sometime movie actor) who changed his name to David Bowie (to avoid confusion with the guy in The Monkees).

Not this David Jones either.

Instead we are talking about this grim character:

The ‘real’ Davy Jones — sat on his locker.

Although many readers will be familiar with the tentacle-faced depiction of Davy Jones in the present-day Pirates of the Caribbean movie franchise, the earliest known reference to Davy Jones crops up in a reference in The Four



Charles Christian

Journalist, editor, author & sometime werewolf hunter. Writes, drinks tea, knows things. (he/him) www.urbanfantasist.com + www.twitter.com/urbanfantasist