Wagatha Christie Trial hits ‘Beatles’ moment on Day One

Charles Christian
3 min readMay 11, 2022

WAGs libel case is a hit from Day One — Johnny Depp and Amber Heard are history

The libel action being brought in the London High Court by Rebekah Vardy against Coleen Rooney — otherwise known as the Wagatha Christie trial — started this Tuesday (10th May) and already looks like becoming a classic.

OK, background for people not fascinated by UK celeb culture (and the Daily Mail is running rolling news coverage of the case online)… Coleen and Rebekah are both WAGs (= Wives & Girlfriends of famous English footballers). Coleen thought Rebekah was leaking confidential information to the press, so set up an elaborate sting on her private Instagram account. (This is where the term ‘Wagatha Christie’ came from — she was acting like a detective in an Agatha Christie novel — geddit?) Rebekah said the allegations were defamatory and after over three years of accusations and counter accusations, the case has finally come to court. Now read on…

My favourite moment so far was when Rebekah was asked to explain what the TLA (three letter acronym) FFS meant in her message exchanges with Caroline Watt (Vardy’s former agent although apparently now missing in action but that’s another story).

With the court’s permission, Rebekah explained that it meant For Fuck’s Sake — not to be confused…



Charles Christian

Journalist, editor, author & sometime werewolf hunter. Writes, drinks tea, knows things. (he/him) www.urbanfantasist.com + www.twitter.com/urbanfantasist